SeaCow Mobile Market
SeaCow Mobile Market is Raleigh’s FIRST mobile meat and seafood market closing the gap between our state’s very own farmers and fishermen and our community’s kitchen tables. Products: NC Wild Caught Seafood and NC Raised & Processed Beef.
Raleigh, NC 27603
Type of Production Facilty?: Large Scale Industrial FacilityCo-Packer: N/A
E-Commerce Store?: Yes
Business availability: Year-Round
If you are a retailer, which describes your business?: Roadside Market
Where do you sell your product?: Roadside Stand
What seafood product forms does your business offer?: Fresh, Frozen, Further Processed (value add), Live
Products Sold: Beef
Products / Seafood Aquaculture
E-Commerce Store?: YesBusiness availability: Year-Round
If you are a retailer, which describes your business?: Roadside Market
Where do you sell your product?: Roadside Stand
What seafood product forms does your business offer?: Fresh, Frozen, Further Processed (value add), Live
Business availability: Year-RoundProducts available for direct sale: Meat, Seafood
Location classification: Urban