Event Description
NCDA&CS will host in-person business-to-business meetings on Monday, February 12, 2024, the day before the Flavors of Carolina show at the Embassy Suites Concord Golf & Spa Resort in Concord, NC. Participating buyers are from Cheney Brothers, Food Lion, and Harris Teeter. The scheduling links for these meetings as well as the categories the buyers are interested has been emailed to all Got to Be NC members. You must have a scheduled meeting to participate. No “walk-ins” will be permitted. Scheduled appointments will be provided to the retailers in advance of the meetings. Meetings are held at the retailer’s discretion. If they choose not to meet with a particular vendor, the vendor will be notified via email in advance of the event.
To participate in the Grower Buyer Exchange, you must meet be an existing Got to Be NC member and your product must be within the category of interest that the retailer is seeking. These exchanges are designed for the operations of North Carolina agriculture farms, packing and processing operations producing a market ready food product. Businesses with ownership, leases, or contractual obligations for fields, growing operations, processing/packaging facilities, in the state of North Carolina that produce a market ready food product are eligible. Businesses who serve solely as a representative or broker of a food product are not eligible. Potential suppliers should be prepared with overviews of company operations, product(s), distribution, sales, price points, reclamation process, product differentiation, benefits to the category by adding the product/product line, etc.
Meetings will be held in 15-minute increments and each company is limited to one session with each participating retailer. Be prepared and have information to leave behind for later review.
If you did not receive the email with the scheduling links or if you have any questions about these meetings, please contact Bruce Whitehead at Bruce.Whitehead@ncagr.gov.
Event Details
Registration Deadline:
February 12, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Embassy Suites Concord Golf & Spa Resort
Embassy Suites Concord Golf & Spa Resort