A.J. Smith & Sons Inc.

The farm has continued to grow, and the mix of crops has grown also. The crops that are grown include corn, soybeans, peanuts, small grains (wheat, rye, oats, triticale), vegetables (cucumbers, snap beans, watermelons, pumpkins, Indian corn and fall watermelons), and clary sage. They also raise livestock, including hogs and cattle. The Smiths are known to be the farm that will try any crop. Some trial crops that have been planted are dehydrating onions, stevia, carrots, peas, and chia.


Edenton, NC 27932




List services your farm provides?: Grow, Pack, Ship
Methods of Sale for Produce?: Wholesale / High Volume


Business availability: Seasonal

Products Sold: Cucumbers, Pumpkins, Watermelons

Products / Seafood Aquaculture

Business availability: Seasonal

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