Hurricane Recovery Resources

Apple Wedge Packers & Cider

We are dedicated to providing premium quality, mountain grown apple products. Apple Wedge is the largest apple packer and distributor in the Blue Ridge Mountains and the highest volume shipper in the state of North Carolina. We grow fresh NC apples for many purposes from the finest premium apples available in your grocery store produce section, to those used for fresh apple cider. In our production facility, we also produce thousands of gallons of apple cider each year. Our apples and cider are shipped nationwide


Hendersonville, NC 28792


Farmers Market

Business availability?: Seasonal


GAP Certified?: Yes
List services your farm provides?: Grow, Pack, Ship
Methods of Sale for Produce?: Wholesale / High Volume


Business availability: Seasonal

Products Sold: Apples, Juice

Products / Seafood Aquaculture

Business availability: Seasonal

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