Hurricane Recovery Resources

Bannerman Vineyard

Bannerman Vineyard and Winery is located at 2620 Stag Park Road, Burgaw, NC in the heart of Pender county. Harvest season hours are Monday thru Saturday 9 am to 6 pm and Sunday 12 noon to 6 pm. Fields will be open to the public from August 25th until the grapes are all gone! (Normally the 1st week in October - depending on mother nature.) Muscadine varieties to include Carlos, Triumph, Noble, Nesbitt and Doreen. Bannerman Vineyard offers U-Pick, We-Pick and accomodates grapes in bulk to local wine makers. They have a crusher on site to ease the process of crushing by hand! Grape season is never the same without their delicious boiled peanuts - cajun and regular! Pack a picnic - bring the kids and family pets for an afternoon in the country! For inquiries please call Colleen Bannerman at 910.233.0103.


Burgaw, NC 28425


Farmers Market

Business availability?: Seasonal


List services your farm provides?: Grow, Pack, Ship
Methods of Sale for Produce?: Wholesale / High Volume, Retail / Direct to Consumer


Business availability: Seasonal
Location classification: Urban

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