Kitoko Bites
Kitoko Bites are plant based donuts. The vegan and gluten free donuts are made with simple ingredients taking into account allergies. Kitoko Bites are corn, soy and dairy (egg, milk, butter) free. The vegan donuts are made with flour and the vegan gluten free donuts are made with yuca. For more information and orders visit our website.
Raleigh , NC 27603
WebsiteFarmers Market
Business availability?: Year-RoundHours / days of operation: Friday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM- 5:00PM
Type of Production Facilty?: Commercial Kitchen / Shared Use FacilityBusiness availability: Seasonal
Products Sold: Bread / Baked Goods
Products / Seafood Aquaculture
Business availability: SeasonalRestaurants
Type: Mobile Food UnitsRestaurant cuisine: Bakery, Caterer, Vegan
Other cuisine type: Congolese