Hurricane Recovery Resources

McAdams Farm

McAdams Farm raises cattle and grows fresh produce which is sold both at the farm and the Carrboro Farmers' Market. We constantly try new varieties in search of the most flavorful vegetables and longest lasting cut flowers so that we can offer the highest quality product to our customers. We are dedicated to excellence in the taste and reliability of our wide selection of vegetables and to the color and beauty of our flowers.


Efland, NC 27243


Hours of Operation

Monday - Saturday call for hours of operation; late April thru November

Farmers Market

Business availability?: Seasonal


List services your farm provides?: Grow
Methods of Sale for Produce?: Retail / Direct to Consumer, Farmers Market, Pick Your Own


Business availability: Seasonal

Products Sold: Broccoli, Cantaloupe, Cucumbers, Squash, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Peppers - Variety, Fresh Cut Flowers

Products / Seafood Aquaculture

Business availability: Seasonal


Business availability: Seasonal
Hours / days of operation: Monday - Saturday call for hours of operation; late April thru November
Products available for direct sale: Vegetables, Flowers
Location classification: Urban

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