Hurricane Recovery Resources

Smiling Hara Tempeh

Smiling Hara is a family owned business in the beautiful city of Asheville, North Carolina. We make Hempeh, a Cultured Hemp Food. It is loaded with digestible protein, gluten free, and available in soy-free varieties. We are 100% committed to offering the most nutritious plant based proteins possible, and at the same time providing a market for organic farmers. Smiling Hara and its team are in the process of forging a new trend in the healthfood world with the highest quality vegan/vegetarian protein available. Look for Smiling Hara Hempeh throughout the Southeastern, Midwest, Mid Atlantic and Northeast regions of the United States. Enjoy.


Barnardsville, NC 28709



Type of Production Facilty?: Large Scale Industrial Facility
Business availability: Seasonal

Products Sold: Frozen & Refrigerated

Products / Seafood Aquaculture

Business availability: Seasonal

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