Stauber Farm
Stauber Farm raises flock of St Croix sheep and sell animals and meat to restaurants and customers. We have a flock of heritage chickens and sell eggs. The Farm has a market garden and sells fresh vegetables to restaurants. Stauber Farm has agritourism events and is the voluntary agricultural farm program.
Pfafftown, NC 27040
List services your farm provides?: GrowMethods of Sale for Produce?: Retail / Direct to Consumer
Type of Production Facilty?: Home BasedBusiness availability: Seasonal
Products Sold: Sheep Lamb, Sheep, Beans - Variety, Leafy Greens - lettuce, kale, mustard greens, bib lettuce, micro greens
Products / Seafood Aquaculture
Business availability: SeasonalAgritourism
Restored historic Moravian farmstead on National Register of Historic Places. Recipient of 2017 Forsyth County Historical MarkerBusiness availability: Year-Round
Location classification: Rural