We Give A Share
We Give A Share (WGAS) is a non-profit that provides a platform for local farms to grow and produce food to be used to feed the under-served. Similar to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) subscription where memberships enable participants to receive a regularly scheduled box of fresh produce, eggs, bread, flowers and other farm offerings, We Give A Share offers supporters an opportunity to buy a nominal “share” of the farm dedicated to growing specifically for the Southside Kitchen. Donors can purchase “shares” of a farm which are then dedicated to growing some of the ingredients that the kitchen uses to prepare the meals for those who need it the most in the city of Asheville. Those meals are sold at a discount to the agencies that help provide that food to those in need. Local farms will deliver fresh organic produce to the chefs at the kitchen weekly, so their community meals are as nutritious and delicious as possible. Deliveries will be limited types of vegetables but in large volume to provide the farm with efficient and productive usage.
Leicester, NC 28748
Type of Production Facilty?: Commercial Kitchen / Shared Use FacilityBusiness availability: Seasonal
Products Sold: Prepared Meals